Reading Corner

Reading Corner

As much as I love reading scholarly articles and current books focused on language and literacy development, I am making recommendations for starting the summer with reading for pleasure and rejuvenation.  It is a great time to take a break and experience the...
Fluency: A Persistent Problem for Students with Dyslexia

Fluency: A Persistent Problem for Students with Dyslexia

Children with dyslexia have significant challenges in phonological processing It’s estimated that 20% of students have dyslexia. We know that individuals with dyslexia have significant challenges in phonological processing—the ability to perceive and manipulate the...
A Deeper Look at Fluency

A Deeper Look at Fluency

“The thing that surprised me most about my teacher preparation program was that we never talked about how kids learn. Instead, we were taught how to structure a lesson and given tips on classroom management… I assumed that I would eventually learn how the brain worked...